Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Compose Time!

Hi, I'm Alex Pilmore, and this is the initial post of my blog: Composing Slowly.
The overall purpose of this blog is not only for the grade, but to vent or talk about things that are interesting.
"Why slowly?", you may ask? There are two reasons.

Isn't he cute?

1. Last summer, my job consisted of crazy people, and as they started seeing strange things and comparing co-workers to pokemon, they compared me to the Pokemon Slowpoke.
I originally saw this as an insult, thinking they were attacking my intelligence. But after several hours of deep thought and careful self-research, I came to a startling conclusion. They were absolutely right! I really do look like the a Slowpoke, talk like a Slowpoke, and (sometimes) act like a Slowpoke. So I must be a Slowpoke..... right?

2. Since we have a conclusion that I am a "Slowpoke", I am definitely slow at writing and get very self-distracted. Who's fault is that? Mine. Does it matter to me? Not particularly.
Even at this very moment I am listening to music that I would advise small children not to listen to, switching from editing this post to Facebook to biting myself from playing Minecraft. You can see how this would make it hard to type?

Well, actually, not this time. But we shall see, we shall see.
The Beautiful.
I am expecting this to be rather enjoyable, with that said, let us commence! All for America!


  1. It is interesting to me what your co workers were seeing when you say strange things. Writing isn't an easy thing for anyone to just come up with. I think that if you can multi task and listen to music and type at the same time you should be able to come up with some great writing. I also think that the more you write the better it'll get and the easier it'll be to write about the simplest things.

  2. Again, I follow up another insightful White Start comment (see Ciara's initial blog).

    I think he's right about good writing taking practice. I'm not sure it necessarily gets easier, but, as with any skill, it does require practice. Hopefully this blog will help you do just that.

    I'm really interested in your approach to writing. Recently I've been reading a lot about how the use of technology is actually changing the way we think. (You may consider the Wendell Berry essay we discussed in class in this respect.) I encourage you to think and write about how technology affects you as a writer. You have a start here, as you make mention of how you listened to music, flipped back and forth between blogging and Facebook, and resisted the urge to play a game - all while writing.

    Slowly or otherwise, keep composing!

  3. I like what your doing Alex, and im very interested in seeing how your blog comes along. Keep up the good work and continue to post more.
